The Starlights

Lead Guitar: Tony de Jong
Bass Guitar: Richard Rika
Rhythm Guitar: Bill Rika
Drums: Johnnie Wilson

Above: Photo snapped playing a wedding at the Town and Country Roadhouse Oratia... L to R Johnnie Wilson - Bill Rika - Richard [Rick] Rika - Tony de Jong

"The Starlights" - an instrumental group formed in 1963 while all its members were attending Henderson High School in West Auckland, the group focused mainly on "Shadows" covers and some standards from the 1950s, This group still belonged to the old-time rock'n'roll era, pre Beatles and British Beat.(Information and pictures C/- NZ Circuit Bands and Musicians)

The Starlights played mostly free of charge at any place that would have them, being too young at the time for licenced premises, which included a huge crowd at a day gathering at the Waitemata Rugby Football Club and an empty "The Night Owl" nightclub in New Lynn.(Information and pictures C/- NZ Circuit Bands and Musicians)

Rick Rika crafted the body of his guitar at woodwork classes and attached an existing 6 string neck to it but used it for bass playing. The notes were obviously not as low as a true bass.(Information and pictures C/- NZ Circuit Bands and Musicians)

Tony de Jong went on to form "The Ravens" and Rick Rika eventually became Ricky of "The Cossacks".