
Lead Guitar-Vocals: Andrew London
Guitar-Vocals: Mark Jackson

"Torque" 1980 - 1982: A popular fun loving duo touring the Lion Brewery Circuit for two years - Mark Jackson says "Standout memories for me include being around acts like Charlie and Becky Bush (Homegrown), Bong Sotto and sister Ning (Fire and Ice), Doc Parker, Cookie and Porky in Gisborne were a blast and all the other duos from around the globe". Following the circuit Mark went back to his first passion the theatre and acted professionally spending the last 4 years at the Mercury Theatre before its demise.(Information and pictures C/- NZ Circuit Bands and Musicians)

A highlight for the Duo was doing the first ever Ski Steinie Snow Show - a 6 week whirlwind tour from Invercargill, to Whangarei, promoting skiing and the original launch of Steinlager.(Information and pictures C/- NZ Circuit Bands and Musicians)

Andrew London is still powering out the sounds - notably fronting "Hot Club Sandwich", "The Cattlestops" and several other interesting entities. Check out some of his fine work on YouTube under HCS - classic London songs!!!.(Information and pictures C/- NZ Circuit Bands and Musicians)

A message from Mark: "What I do know is those years were the best and I was extremely fortunate to be a part of it.  Thank you to Ernie Garnier and especially Aline Denton.