The Passing of Kenneth Lewis Morrice (Scotty) 25th February 2012 at the age of sixty was a shock to all those who knew this friendly generous person - Scotty who spent some of his younger years as a doorman at the Club Manhattan in Mt Albert Auckland - also many years in the food industry - by 1990 Scotty had started helping Mark Wenski and Rick Warren with the running of "Niteshift Karaoke" around Auckland pubs and clubs - Scotty was also a social worker for Oddysey House helping recovering Clients.
Kenneth is sadly missed by his brothers and sister: Laura - Nigel - Charlie
Rick Warren - Mark Wenski (Topaz Band - Nightshift Duo) have been close friends of Scotty Since the 1970`s.
Above: Photos of Friends and family at Grey Lynn RSC Gathering
Above Movie Clips: Some of the Musicians (completely Unrehearsed) who performed for Kens commemoration gathering at Grey Lynn RSC organised by Mark and Rick
Above: - 29 Feb 2012 Grey Lynn RSC - - The Musicians - Mark Wenski (Guitar) - Jimmy Lake Queen City Big Band (Drums) - Jim Ford Jimi & The Jets (Drums) - Lisle Kinney Hello Sailor/DD Smash (Bass Guitar) - Don Roberts The DON Solo (Keyboards) - Steve (Moa`s Nest - Vocal) - Bruce (Guitar) - - - finishing the night off much to the delight of the audience was renown Singer Truda Chadwick............Sincere Apologies from Rick Warren Who was unable to make the Journey due to medical condition
All Beverages by Mark & Rick (Niteshift Promotions) and The Morrice Family - - A Celebration of The Life of a Good Man..Scotty R.I.P