
Lead Guitar: Rob McGinley
Bass Guitar: Richard Paulger
Vocals: Martin Round
Rhythm Guitar: Tony de Jong
Drums: Ken Thomas

Above Left: Tony de Jong - Martin Round - Ken Thomas - Rob Mc Ginley - Richard Paulger

Written By Tony de Jong - 2022

In 1966, by invite, I was the last member to complete a band called the Plague, and later I would become the first member to leave the Plague. With this group I played rhythm guitar (although I did play lead in one song); I did not sing. Among whatever work the Plague got I remember doing a spot at the Galaxie nightclub in Auckland and a teen dance in the Henderson RSA hall on Station Road (Railside Avenue).

The Plague, along with another band called the Vibrations were partly "managed" by former entertainer Colleen "Kim Martin" Marsters who attempted to start a youth club in Henderson. Her son Tony was lead guitarist with the Vibrations and she was keen to show off his/their band and use the Plague as the Vibrations' opening act.

The youth club idea faltered, and I left the Plague who continued without a rhythm guitarist, eventually changing their name to Marble Arch, (probably after a line of budget LP records of the same name that were being marketed at that time).

The Vibrations also broke up soon after the Club West End experiment. Soon after, I contacted Vibrations' bassist Bill Haagh, who I had known for some time because he lived near me. Together we started a three piece with me singing lead and him singing harmony. This combination proved successful and under self-management there was never a week without a gig being played.

Marble Arch eventually shortened their name to Arch and acquired a vocalist named Rangi Williams (about 1970?), who along with myself, were once short-time members of an indoor basketball team called the Hurricanes, together. The Hurricanes on occasion played basketball against other teams at the facilities of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints chapel in Croydon Road, Glen Eden where Rangi attended the church's Mutual Improvement Association (MIA). As they say - It's a small world.

The photo shown here, and the accompanying article are from a local West Auckland newspaper "The Waitakere Gazette"? or maybe the name of it had already changed to "Western Leader"? (Yes, it had in 1963). Note: The article wrongly identifies each band's name and the musicians playing in them.